Interesting observation from Tim O’Reilly at Where 2.0
“What's particularly interesting is how much activity there is in adding user-generated data. Especially interesting is the way that Google is trying to get users to build 3D models of buildings with sketchup. Brad Schell gave a great demo of how to visualize a building and place it in Google Earth. Particularly impressive was the ability to search for real-world architectural elements and add them to a building you're drawing. (AutoDesk, watch out....) Lovely.”
It would be useful to create and share a model that shows how you have to come around the side of my building and down the stairs to get to my front door. Very interesting to think of all the additional richness that could be added to Google Earth if lots of people start playing with it. (The product web site could do a better job communicating the scenario. An interesting point of contrast is the Flock product site which communicates well using the product UI as well as creating community.)
I love it when O’Reilly says things like “It becomes clear that Google Earth is not just a data visualization platform. It's a framework on which hundreds of different data layers can be anchored.”